Short Stories


cover of Twas The Night Before Christmas

Shrinking is a story written by myself that appears in an anthology called T'was the Night Before Christmas. It is the story of an Artic fox struggling to survive on the shrinking ice of the south pole. One day he comes across a giant den full of strange looking animals that stand on their hind legs. He investigates to see if they have any food.

The anthology can be downloaded as a pdf file or as a mobi file suitable for a Kindle. Just click on the green download button once you get to the mediafire site.

In Space No One Can Hear Your Fanaticism

a planet from In Space No One Can Hear Your Fanaticism

I have written an interactive story where you choose what happens next. The story is set on the planet Vega as a group of marines investigate a base that went silent. See if you can help the marines choose wisely to they survive long enough to find out what happened. It is a fairly long story, if you make the right choices, and could take about 45 minutes to finish.

The Real - Honest to Goodness - True Story of Ned Kelly. (As Related by a Remote Viewer).

Ned Kelly wanted poster

A comedy fantasy-science fiction story with time-travel and bush-rangers. It's about 2000 words.

(Warning this story includes crude language.)

PDF File of Story